Add TLS to Mail sending examples for CH32V307


Please someone tell me if there is possible in the future to add BearTLS or MbedTLS to

WCHNET library for the CH32V307???

I have tested the Mail example from EXAM>ETH>Mail

but fails to send email because all the SMTP now require TLS.

Thank you!


We are a small company located in Romania and plan to use in all our products your microcontrollers.

I have made an account to : 

to test mail sending, and they also require TLS1.3.

The Mail example in EXAM for the CH32V307 use CC email, but I can not 

make an email there because is all in Chinese language and I don't understand.

CC mail does not use TLS???


You are right. I checked that both Outlook and Mailersend mailboxes require TLS encryption. 

Currently, the WCHNET library of CH32V307 does not support TLS encryption. I will feedback your needs to the relevant engineers, and I will tell you as soon as the TLS porting is completed.

At present, some mailbox service providers in China do not require TLS encryption. For example, QQ mailbox, 163 mailbox, 126 mailbox, etc.

The English interface of QQ mailbox should be good. You can use it if necessary.

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