我用MSP430编译贵公司提供的例子程序,在链接时总有2处警告提示: Warning[w6]: Type conflict for external/entry "mCmdParam", in module CH375HFF against external/entry in module main; class/struct/union field names do not match: Other16 vs Query /* In module CH375HFF: */ CMD_PARAM_I mCmdParam; typedef CMD_PARAM CMD_PARAM_I; typedef union _CMD_PARAM CMD_PARAM; /* In module main: */ CMD_PARAM_I mCmdParam; typedef CMD_PARAMtt CMD_PARAM_I; typedef union _CMD_PARAM CMD_PARAMtt; Warning[w35]: There is more than one definition for the struct/union type with tag '_CMD_PARAM'; class/struct/union field names do not match: Query vs Other16
是不是CH375HFF.R43库的问题??? 我该怎么解决??? 我在调用i = CH375LibInit( )时,返回值是虽是i=0x81(属硬件错误), 但我想这错误很有可能是链接不成功造成的。 我该怎么解决??? 谢谢