
我最近在搞ch375模块,我用的就是在贵站上下的源程序,用的文件是这三个CH375HFT.C,CH375HFB.H,CH375HFB.A,而且都按照贵站上的方法正确加载了,但我在ICC7.14上编译时,总是出问题,提示错误若下: E:\PROGRA~1\ICC-AV~1\bin\imakew -f CH375.mak iccavr -o CH375 -g -e:0x20000 -ucrtatmega.o -bfunc_lit:0x8c.0x20000 -dram_end:0x10ff -bdata:0x100.0x10ff -dhwstk_size:30 -beeprom:0.4096 -fihx_coff -S2 @CH375.lk E:\avrdesign\ch375\CH375HFB.A -lcatm128 !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset1' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset2' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset3' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset4' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset5' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset1' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset2' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset3' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset4' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset5' !ERROR Function 'putchar' not defined. This is a hardware dependent function, and it is not included in the ICCAVR default library. Please implement this function to match your target requirements. You can find examples of this function under the \examples.AVR directory. Make a copy of a suitable example, add it to your project and modify it if needed. The source code must #include the appropriate C header file (e.g. stdio.h) as it contains the special compiler pragma for 'putchar'.

E:\PROGRA~1\ICC-AV~1\bin\imakew.exe: Error code 1 Done: there are error(s). Exit code: 1. Wed May 20 00:25:32 2009 请问这是什么问题啊?该怎么解决?烦请哪位高手帮助一下,非常感谢!!!



还是不行啊,我编译时还是一样的错误!随后我下了个icc7.13的版本,编译\CH375LIB\AVR\FILELIBB_V7,但还是不行,错误提示如下: E:\PROGRA~1\ICC-AV~2\bin\imakew -f CH375.mak iccavr -o CH375 -g -e:0x20000 -ucrtatmega.o -bfunc_lit:0x8c.0x20000 -dram_end:0x10ff -bdata:0x100.0x10ff -dhwstk_size:30 -beeprom:0.4096 -fihx_coff -S2 @CH375.lk E:\avrdesign\ch375\CH375HFB.A -lcatmega !ERROR Function 'putchar' not defined. This is a hardware dependent function, and it is not included in the ICCAVR default library. Please implement this function to match your target requirements. You can find examples of this function under the \examples.AVR directory. Make a copy of a suitable example, add it to your project and modify it if needed. The source code must #include the appropriate C header file (e.g. stdio.h) as it contains the special compiler pragma for 'putchar'.

E:\PROGRA~1\ICC-AV~2\bin\imakew.exe: Error code 1 Done: there are error(s). Exit code: 1. Wed May 20 09:50:54 2009 这到底是什么原因?真是郁闷!

这个是'putchar' 函数有问题,你把我们例子程序里面的串口输出即"printf"这个函数注释掉看编译可以不可以






我按SCM的做法做了,果然可以啦!是自己加一个putchar函数就可以了。而且这个函数在ICC的examples.avr文件夹中有示例函数。 总算搞定了第一步了,以后还要继续搞下去,研究更深层次的东西。在这里感谢所有帮助我的高手们,谢谢你们!!! 也希望本帖能给那些和我遇到一样问题,在痛苦中挣扎,但又一直坚持不懈的战友们一些帮助。同时,也希望以后能和大家有更多的交流。
