
C:\iccv7avr\bin\imakew -f USB4.mak iccavr -c -e -D__ICC_VERSION="7.19" -DATMega128 -l -g -MLongJump -MHasMul -MEnhanced -Wf-use_elpm ..\..\..\MYDOCU~1\avr\usb4\EXAM1\CH375HFT.C iccavr -o USB4 -g -e:0x20000 -ucrtatmega.o -bfunc_lit:0x60.0x20000 -dram_end:0xfff -bdata:0x60.0xfff -dhwstk_size:30 -beeprom:0.4096 -fihx_coff -S2 @USB4.lk D:\MYDOCU~1\avr\usb4\CH375HFB.A -lcatm128 !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset1' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset2' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset3' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset4' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'push_gset5' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset1' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset2' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset3' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset4' !ERROR file 'CH375HFB.o': undefined symbol 'pop_gset5' !ERROR Function 'putchar' not defined. This is a hardware dependent function, and it is not included in the ICCAVR default library. Please implement this function to match your target requirements. You can find examples of this function under the \examples.AVR directory. Make a copy of a suitable example, add it to your project and modify it if needed. The source code must #include the appropriate C header file (e.g. stdio.h) as it contains the special compiler pragma for 'putchar'.

C:\iccv7avr\bin\imakew.exe: Error code 1 Done: there are error(s). Exit code: 1. Fri Jun 05 10:59:48 2009 看不懂是什么错误啊,不知道怎样改程序~~~~哪位好心人帮一下忙~~~~~~

CH375LIB.A的版本要求在头文件中有说明.ICCAVR_6.31@AVR 你用FILELIBB_V7文件夹下面的库实验一下.这个版本上7.13的

