你好,我使用2.5.0版本的CH552,似乎调用__asm__ ("lcall #0x3800"); 只会重启。但是之前2.4.0以前的芯片是可以进入bootloader的。
你好,我使用2.5.0版本的CH552,似乎调用__asm__ ("lcall #0x3800"); 只会重启。但是之前2.4.0以前的芯片是可以进入bootloader的。
我没有办法确认是不是进入了boot,但是根据波形,上电后50ms左右程序就开始执行,lcall 0x3800后20ms左右程序就又开始了。和10秒的超时应该没关系。
Screen Shot 2022-04-04 at 11.00.53 PM.png
void setup() { P1_4=0; pinMode(14, OUTPUT); USB_CTRL = 0; EA = 0; //Disabling all interrupts is required. delayMicroseconds(50000); delayMicroseconds(50000); P1_4=1; __asm__ ("lcall #0x3800"); //Jump to bootloader code while (1); } void loop() { }
maybe its now neccesarry to activate the actual boot pin too in V2.5 before executing the lcall 0x3800 to stay in the loader
您好,CH552中直接调用LCALL 3800可能意外,是因为好多寄存器没有初始化,例如某个中断开着,只关EA全局是不行的,因为BOOT中会再开EA而不知道其他中断开着。
I believe EA=0; is sufficient for calling the bootloader. The bootloader can not use any irqs and therefore there is no reason to activate EA. If I remember correctly none of the loaders executes EA=1;
At least this was how all loaders from 1.1 to 2.4 were working. So if LCALL 0x3800 is not working anymore as before it might be because of IAP vector is set to 0 for unknown reason or more likely because of a different bootpin evaluation,
No, pulling P3_6 up does not help.
我测试了一下代码,以https://github.com/Blinkinlabs/ch554_sdcc 编译 :
#include SBIT(P1_4, 0x90, 4); void delayMicroseconds(unsigned short us) { us; __asm__ (".even \n" " mov r6, dpl \n" //low 8-bit " mov r7, dph \n" //high 8-bit " clr c \n" " mov a,#0x01 \n" " subb a, r6 \n" " clr a \n" " subb a, r7 \n" " jc skip_0us$ \n" " ret \n" //return if 0 1 us about 1.2us total " nop \n" "skip_0us$: \n" " clr c \n" //do some loop init, not useful for 2us but better here " mov a, #0x02 \n" " subb a, r6 \n" " mov r6, a \n" " mov a, #0x00 \n" " subb a, r7 \n" " mov r7, a \n" " nop \n" //keep even " cjne r6,#0x00,loop24m_us$ \n" " cjne r7,#0x00,loop24m_us$ \n" " nop \n" " ret \n" //return if 2us about 2 us total "loop24m_us$: \n" //about nus " nop \n nop \n nop \n nop \n nop \n " // 17 cycle " nop \n " "loop24m_us_2$: \n" //need more test "nop \n nop \n nop \n nop \n " " nop \n nop \n nop \n nop \n nop \n " " nop \n nop \n " " inc r6 \n" // 1 cycle " cjne r6, #0,loop24m_us$ \n" // 6 cycle " inc r7 \n" // there will be extra 7 cycles for every 256us, ignore for now " cjne r7, #0,loop24m_us_2$ \n" " nop \n" ); } void main() { SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xAA; CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x06; // 24MHz SAFE_MOD = 0x00; P1_4=1; P1_MOD_OC = P1_MOD_OC & ~(1<<4); P1_DIR_PU = P1_DIR_PU | (1<<4); //test interrupt //init T0 for millis /*TMOD = (TMOD & ~0x0F)|(bT0_M1);//mode 2 for autoreload T2MOD = T2MOD & ~bT0_CLK; //bT0_CLK=0;clk Div by 12 TH0 = 255-250+1; TF0 = 0; ET0 = 1; TR0 = 1; EA = 1; //millis and delay needs interrupt*/ P1_4=0; USB_CTRL = 0; EA = 0; //Disabling all interrupts is required. delayMicroseconds(50000); delayMicroseconds(50000); P1_4=1; __asm__ ("lcall #0x3800"); //Jump to bootloader code while (1); }
TMOD = (TMOD & ~0x0F)|(bT0_M1);
USB_CTRL = 0; EA = 0; //Disabling all interrupts is required. TMOD = 0; delayMicroseconds(50000); delayMicroseconds(50000); __asm__ ("lcall #0x3800"); //Jump to bootloader code while(1);
2.5版本boot增加了超时(10s)退出机制,超时是基于定时器0定时处理,TMOD寄存器没有完全重置初值;在跳转boot之前需写TMOD = 0,除此之外无其他条件。